Almost a Grand Sextile

29th July 2013. Heaven is almost forming a beautiful and rare configuration, the Grand Sextile.


But it is ALMOST.


We have six planets forming a star shape across the heavens through a sequence of oppositions, together with a Grand Trine in Earth and one in Water, but aparently we do not have all the necessary planets in the correct degree position to form an exact one. This could mean that we are shown potential, like an energy burst.. something to work for... maybe some lessons to learn first...


There is enormous potential inherent in the cosmos right now. No doubt about that, but this configuration comes to raise awareness of our tendency to want it all at once in a single miraculous moment, a gift on a plate rather than working for the rewards that we desire, that is what we need to work for...


Pluto, who’s way out of alignment to form the necessary sextiles with Saturn and Neptune is telling us it will not be easy, we will get there, but we need to work for it!


This planetary alignment today speaks of the need to reconcile our desire for a quick fix, with the nature of change which occurs in the paradigm of everyday life. Change which takes time, commitment, honesty, work and resolve, all of which are rewarded by healing, freedom and a realisation of potential, also fulfilled in the paradigm of everyday life.

The heavens now speak of building energy and rising potential. 



Today is an incredible blessing as Gaia is surrounded by a most magnificent planetary moment where Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Saturn, Pluto & Neptune form almost a Grand Sextile/ Star of David/ Merkaba around us. 

Energetically the elements of Water & Earth are the most prominent -meaning this is a perfect moment to release stuck emotion & unnecessary upset, thus freeing the heart space to feel what life is truly about. In offering yourself this opportunity to let go of old emotion you are allowing the finer vibrations of light to filter through & come into actual manifestation. 

Many have been feeling the incredibly strong effects of emotional upset & release over the past couple of weeks, use this time to let it go- fully & completely! Accept the lesson/s that were there in these experiences, & be grateful for them, but then know you need not hold on to any negative attachments that came with that lesson. Rather imbue yourself with these incredible star gate energies & connect to the Divine through a corridor of love & light.


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