Who am I?


This is me, Cristina.


I love to be involved in all spiritual matters.


I am level 3 Reiki practitioner and I like to use Crystals therapy during my sessions. I some times connect to angels and give any spiritual guidance I might channel.

I have diplomas in Vegan Nutrition, Meditation, Holistic Massage, Regression and Hypnotherapy and I continue my studies in Animal Healing and NLP coaching.

A big part of my evening time is dedicated to Yoga and Tantra, philosophies that I incorporate in my day to day life. I also like exercising and I go to the gym 3 days a week.

One of my big passions in Astronomy. I enjoy looking through the telescope or even just the binoculars and admire the beauty of the universe. I am absolutely fascinated by the immensity of it and the beauty of every little thing in this world. .


Animal rights and veganism are another big part of me. I love experimenting with new ingredients to create fantastic recipes cruelty-free and healthy. I am a happy vegan.


This in the picture, is my lovely cat "Sushi".

reiki characters
reiki characters

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