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Say thanks/Da las gracias

Say thank you for what you have

Are you a lucky person? Are you happy and healthy? Are you alive?

If you are reading this, chances are you are very alive and also very lucky… lucky to have access to internet, lucky to have eyes to read it, lucky to have the motivation to think about these kind of things… So, I would venture to say you are a lucky being.

I would say that there is no need to think of all the suffering that there is around us, be aware but do not allow negative thoughts, images and feelings to drawn you, instead focus in what we have, what we have achieve what we plan to achieve….

Allow your soul to evolve, let your higher self to contact you and allow you to grow… We are all connected and we can achieve way much more together as a community of loving hearts. When the truth reaches you, paths open in front of your eyes, your physical eyes and your soul eyes… people that will allow you to grow and leap forward will get into your lives (causality does not exist) and the ones that are not participating in that energy flow will drift away. don’t be sad, don’t hold on to it.. just let it flow.

We can be happy because we came in such an interesting times, the way we all are raising our energies, the changes in the world are amazing.

Please be tolerant, be loving, be open and be happy.

Share the love for all that surrounds you, we are so lucky to be here now.

I send unconditional love to the ones who allow me to grow spiritually.



Da gracias por lo que tienes

¿Eres una persona afortunada? ¿Eres feliz y estas san@? ¿Estás viv@?

Si estas leyendo esto, pues me aventuro a decir que sí, que estás muy viv@ y eres muy afortunad@... Tienes suerte de tener acceso a internet, de tener un par de ojos que pueden leer estas lineas y tienes mucha suerte de tener la motivación para querer saber más sobre estos temas… Vamos que eres un ser afortunad@.

Ser conscientes de todo lo malo que nos rodea no es malo ya que nos hace buscar cambios e intentar arreglarlo pero no debemos hundirnos en la tristeza ni rodearnos constantemente de imagenes o pensamientos que nos ponen en esa vibración, en vez, vamos a enfocarnos en lo que tenemos, en lo que hemos conseguido y en lo que pensamos conseguir…

Permite a tu alma que evolucione, deja que tu yo superior te contacte, te hable y te asista para que crezcas… Tod@s estamos conectad@s y ¡podemos conseguir tantísimo cuando funcionamos como una comunidad de corazones movidos por el amor! Cuando la verdad llega a tí, los caminos aparecen delante de tus ojos, ya sean los ojos físicos como los ojos del alma… las personas que te asisten para que avances, para que crezcas aparecen en tu vida (la casualidad no existe) los que no te ayudan y no participan en esa vibración de evolución se separan de tí, se van a la deriva… No estes triste, no te aferres, deja que fluya como debe ser.

Podemos estar felices de haber venido en estos tiempos tan interesantes, somos afortunados de participar en estos cambios… todos los que participamos estamos elevando las energías y los cambios en el mundo son impresionantes.

Por favor sed tolerantes, sed amorosos, abriros a todo lo bueno y sed muy felices.

Compartid el amor por todo lo que os rodea, recordad lo afortunad@s que somos por haber venido en estos tiempos.

Envío mi amor incondicional a todos los seres que me ayudan y permiten crecer espiritualmente.



Nagarkot sunrise, Nepal.

Every new day is a present from LIFE.






Neptune Retrograde from 12 June 2015 / Neptuno Retrogrado desde 12 Junio 2015

 Neptune is retrograde on our skies from 12th June to 18thNovember 2015, what does it mean for us?

Our feelings are more receptive to sensitivity, inner vision which bestows a different and more insightful perspective on matters. This is a good time to make decisions because they come from the real intuition.

In Astrology Neptune is the planet of dreams, spirituality and personal possibilities. When the planet moves forward to our point of view it helps us seeing the big picture and tap on our intuition, when it retrograde, that is, it looks to us that it is going backwards in the sky, it means that it is harder to ignore the truth... it is a wake up call to provoke us to make big changes...

Examples of how it helps: you stop ignoring bad relationships or debts, you stop dreaming and start doing, but taking into account the intuition, developing the psychic abilities, analyzing your inner nature. As our perceptions become more acute, we need to listen more to our inner voice and talk about feelings.

Avoid addictive personalities, psyching attractions and overwhelming people who drain your energies, get some black tourmaline.

Neptune when in retrograde, logic falls to the wayside. People gain an increased interest in intuition or esoteric matters. Dreams and psychic abilities find new followers, as people beginning to analysetheir inner natures. New outlets of communications come to the surface as artistic abilities get expressed.


Neptuno aparece retrogrado por el cielo desde el 12 de Junio al 18 de Noviembre este año (2015) y que significa esto para nosotros?

Nuestros sentidos estan mucho más receptivos a ser sensibles, a tener una visión interna que da una perspectiva notablemente intuitiva e iluminada. Este es un buen momento para tomar decisiones ya que estarán basadas en una intución real y pura.

En astronomía, Neptuno es el planeta de los sueños, la espiritualidad y las posibilidades personales. Cuando el planeta se mueve hacia delante desde nuestro punto de vista terrestre, nos ayuda a ver la situacion entera, más objetiva, a entrar en el mundo de la intuición pero cuando está retrogrado, que simplemente es cuando desde la tierra parece que va hacia detras en el cielo, significa que no podemos ya ignorar esa verdad intutiva, es una llamada para provocarnos a hacer grandes cambios.

Algunos ejemplos de como nos ayuda podría ser como nos empuja a parar de ignorar malas relacciones sentimentales, deudas pendientes, nos invita a parar de soñar y a empezar a actuar pero escuchando esa voz interior, expresando sentimientos.

Evita vampiros energéticos, gente negativa y busca llevar puestaTurmalina Negra.

Cuano Neptuno estáretrógrado, la lógica se echa a un lado, la gente muestra un incremento por el interés en materias esotéricas, la intución, los sueños y las abilidades psíquicas.

Neptune fountain, Madrid

Fuente de Neptuno, Madrid






Beltane 1 May/Mayo

Beltane 1st May

This important Celtic festival marks the beginning of the “Lighted half” of the year. The names come from the Celtic god BEL meaning “the bright one” and the Gaelic word “TEINE” meaning “fire”. To the ancestors Beltane was the coming of summer and fertility, nature is in bloom and earth is full of life.

It is half way between Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice.

Fires and bonfires were normally held as fire was believed to purify, they used to transfer animals from the winter lands to the summer lands between the Beltane fires to cleanse them and to bring fertility.

An important symbol is the Triple Goddess, worshiped by the Ancient Britons and the Green Man. The day is full of remarks about new beginnings and fertility.

Some countries celebrate May Day with the maypole – a phallic pole planted deep in the earth to represent male is adorned with ribbons symbolizing the spiral of life and the union of the male and female

Between Beltane and Summer Solstice, pagans used to marry using the Handfasting ceremony. This ancient Pagan and Celtic ceremony marked the taking of a partner, a commitment to perform an annual review of the relationship.

 Beltane is a good time for couples to express their love for each other more verbally.



Things To Do

·         Stay up all night making love

·         Conceive a new idea and get on with it

·         Bring green to your home and/or altar, ask permission to the plant before you take anything

·         Celebrate trees and flowers, dance and admire them in nature

·         Tell your lover you love her/him, give her/him a flowery/green present

·         Enjoy it, be happy and have fun!


El festival de Beltane 1. Mayo


Este festival Celta tan importante marca el comienzo de la “mitad del año iluminado”. El nombre viene del dios celta BEL que significa “el iluminado, con luz” y de la palabra del idioma Gaelico TEINE que significa “fuego”. Para nuestros antepasados Beltane era el comienzo del verano y de la fertilidad, la naturaleza que florece y de la tierra que se llena de vida.

Beltane se encuentra justo a mitad de camino entre el Equinocio de Primavera y el Solsticio de Verano.

Fuegos y hogueras se encendian para purificar, ya que era costumbre ver el fuego como un símbolo de limpieza y de nuestro sol. Los animales eran llevados desde los prados de invierno a los de verano haciéndolos pasar entre las diferentes hogeras de Beltaine con el fin de limpiar sus energias y atraer la fertilidad.

Un simbolo importante y conocido es el de la triple diosa y el hombre verde, adorados por los antiguos habitantes de Gran Bretaña que es un símbolo de fertilidad y nuevos comienzos.

Algunos paises celebran el Primero de Mayo con un “Maypole”, un poste de caracteristicas falicas, clavado en la tierra y que simboliza lo masculino y que se adorna con lazos de colores en espiral. Maypole personifica la espiral de la vida y la unión entre lo masculino y lo femenino.

Entre Beltane y el Solsticio de Verano, los grupos paganos y celtas solian celebrar matrimonios de “Handfasting” o Ritual de Atadura de Manos. Esta antiquísima ceremonia celta pagana simbolizaba la toma de pareja, la unión entre hombre y mujer, y el compromiso de que cada año renovarian el amor entre ellos.

Beltane es un muy buen momento para que las parejas expresen su amor hacia el otro de una manera más verbal.  




Cosas que se pueden hacer

·         Quedaros despiertos toda la noche haciendo el amor

·         Concibid una nueva idea y llevadla a cabo

·         Traed verde a casa/altar, preguntad antes a la planta si podeis cogerla.

·         Celebrad los arboles, las plantas y las flores, bailad entre ellos, admiradlas en la naturaleza

·         Dedcidle a vuestro amor que le quieres, regaladle algo referente a flores o naturaleza

·         Divertiros y sed felices!!!

Handfasting / Ritual de Atadura de manos
Handfasting / Ritual de Atadura de manos
Belnane Maypole
Belnane Maypole





Some basics on relaxation/meditation  Como empezar a meditar 

Our bodies are made up on internal and external energies, such as our life force and the aura and energy field around us.

Bad diet, stress, negative thoughts and therefore any illness as a result of these can make our energies to suffer. We need to top up our energy levels with clean and light energy and we also need to get rid of any dense and negative energy orbiting our energy field.

The easiest way to do this and consequentially to auto heal ourselves, is to calm our busy minds, to shake off any negative thoughts, past hurts that come back to haunt us and to introduce in our bodies (physical and emotional) positive thinking and good high frequency vibrations.

You can try this simple steps:

  • Create a sacred space - No phones or disruptions, set up a time you can be at peace, no mater if it is 10 minutes or 1 hour, better a good 3 minutes rather than nothing at all
  • Use any items to help you set the mood for relaxation - this can be incense, relaxing music, candles, natural fragrances... just send the intention to your brain and to the universe that you
  • Good posture -  you might want to sit with you back to a wall or on a chair but try not to lay down.. you will nod off! be comfortable an also keep a straight back.
  • Breathing - important to keep deep inhalations and long exhalations to start with... then just let yourself go
  • Empty your mind - if any thoughts appear, just let them go, do not force them, do not fight them... What works for me is to visualize a box and to place any thoughts in the box for later.
  • Enjoy the empty space in your mind - come back when you feel you have too, either with a gentle reminder you previously prepared or just naturally... you will feel like you just had reset.. :)

Nuestros cuerpos estan compuestos de energias internas y externas, ya sea nuestra aura o nuestras energias vitales en los organos. La mala alimentacion, el estres, pensamientos negativos y por lo tanto cualquier enfermedad derivada de esto, hacen que nuestros cuerpos y energias sufran y no fluyan como es debido. En este caso debemos recargarnos de energia "buena" y deshacernos de energias densas y negativas que nos rodean el campo energetico.

Una manera sencilla y por lo tanto que nos ayude a auto sanarnos, es calmar esa mente que no para, es sacudir esos pensamientos negativos, destructivos, esas malas costumbres de pensar dañinamente y despues introducir energia positiva y altas vibraciones en ese espacio que hemos creado.

Podemos hacer lo siguiente:

  • Crear un espacio sagrado - ni telefonos ni nada que nos haga salir del estado de relajacion. Es bueno apartar un tiempo que sepamos vamos a estar tranquilos, no importa si son 5 minutos o 1 hora, mucho mejor tener 5 minutos de meditacion que nada en absoluto.
  • Usa ayuda externa - en forma de incienso, musica relajante, velas, aromaterapia... dile a tu mente y al universo que estas list@
  • Buena postura - idealmente con la espalda recta, puedes estar sentad@ en una silla o en el suelo contra la pared. No te tumbes.. seguro que te duermes..
  • Respiracion - Es importante al principio hacer inhalaciones y exhalaciones lentas y largas... despues dejate llevar
  • Vacia la mente - ahi esta el secreto... si cualquier pensamiento aparace, no luches contra el, no te opongas, deja q fluya y desaparezca... A mi me funciona visualizar una caja y poner los pensamientos dentro... ya los retomare cuando acabe mi meditacion.
  • Disfruta del vacio en tu mente - vuelve cuando lo creas conveniente o cuando te lo hayas propuesto, ya sea por un sonido en la musica o por que tu mente vuelve sola. Te sentiras como si te hubieran hecho un reseteo... :)





Singing Bowls / Cuencos Tibetanos

Singing bowls produce soothing sounds which invoke a deep state of relaxation which naturally assists one in entering into meditation, the ultimate goal being enlightenment. 
As well as their typical use for meditation and relaxation, the gentle but powerful vibration is good for deep relaxation, reducing stress, holistic healing, Reiki healing and why not, music! The vibration has a direct effect upon the chakras.

The tones set up a "frequency following response" creating a balancing left/right brain synchronization.Meditate on the subtle sounds of the Tibetan singing bowl tunes and you will tune to the universal sound.

Los cuencos tibetanos producen un sonido calmante que evoca un estado de relajacion profundo. Este sonido ayuda a entrar en meditacion, estado deseado del ser iluminado.
Ademas de su conocido fin como ayuda en la meditacion y en la relajacion, los cuencos y su suave a la par que poderosa vibracion, ayuda a entrar en relajacion profunda, a reducir el estres y a sanar de manera holistica, durante Reiki y por si solo. Tambien, y por que no, producen una bonita musica! La vibracion producida tiene un efecto directo en los chacras.
Los tonos emitidos crean una "respuesta de frecuencia" resultando a su vez en un balance de la sincronizacion de los hemisferios derecho e izquiero en el cerebro.
Medita con el suave sonido de los cuencos y entraras a formar parte del tono universal.






Spring Clean for Mind and everything else

It is good to clear space so that new ideas, experiences and also new things
enter our existence. The so called Spring Clean, does not need to be in
Spring but it is a good time to look into our houses and our bodies so we
can give away the material items we do not need and to free out bodies and
minds from negative or pointless patterns.
At home we accumulate material possessions, often the only reason being
an old memory they bring or the thought of “ I might need it in the future”
We should not hold that thought or we will actually need it so our
subconscious will think in that patter of “need”!!
We can go through our wardrobes, cupboards, sheds, shelves, draws… 
if we haven’t used it in 2 years we probably don’t need it!
But specially we need to get rid of things we do to our bodies that we do not
need to, like feeling so attracted to TV or media in general, using it as a way
of relaxing. Another example is to depend on alcohol to relax or to enjoy the
day. These dependencies are an easy fix but they are not permanent cures.
Getting rid of dependencies we will become healthier and less “foggy”, 
our minds will be able to process and work much better allowing our true
self to deal with things.
Clearing our heads will leave the path free to deal with issues quicker and 
also to make room for new ideas, space to fill in with no clutter but healthy
and useful thoughts and activities.





The Archangels

The term “Archangel” means “An Angel of higher kind.”

We all call upon our gardian angels who protect us and also guide us through our live stages, challenges and learning experiences. 

We have free will in Earth so our angels are not able to intervene in our lives unless we ask for help, for guidance or assistance, they are waiting to be called upon so they can be there for us. 

You can ask for messages, for signs... they love communicating!

Any easy code of commuication will help your angels to let you know what is best for you in any given situation. They are not allowed to sort out your entire life, you have to live it, experience it and learn, but do not hesitate to call upon them to give you a sign. There is a debate as to how many Archangels thre is but the main four everyone agrees on are Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel.



He is in charge of protection, justice, truth. Michael grants miracles and gets rid of toxins, lower energies and spirit release. He also oversees a healer's life purpose. He gets rid of fear and helps you find vitality, self-esteem and life's purpose. He is good at fixing electrical and mechanical devices. Call on Michael if you find yourself under psychic attack or when your job is too demanding with impossible.



It is said to have a femenine nature, Gabriel is  in charge of communication. Contact Gabriel if your third eye is closed. If you want a child she may help you conceive or bring news of conception. Call upon her to receive visions of angelic guidance, prophecies or help interpreting dreams and visions.  She will assist anyone in the communication art.  She helps to stay on life path and know souls path. She has a white and gold.




He is a powerful healer helping animals and humans. Always said to be the funniest Archangel, he is loving and sweet. You can call upon him in your travels, also spiritual journeys. He is the perfect companion of healers and doctor, therapists and surgeons, call upon him if you are a student in the healing field, he can help with physical and also emotional and mental pain, also in past lives.. His colour is green.



Uriel is the wisest Archangel because of his intellectual information and geniusness in problem solving. He is very subtle and he answers prayers in sudden brilliant ways. Uriel heals all natural calamities and the Earth. He is an angel of Transformation & Transmutation. Call on him to release the painful burdens and memories of the past. His color is golden light. 






Blue Moon to charge your crystals

Tonight, 21 August 2013 we will have the second Blue Moon of the month.  This is a great time to charge your crystals. do not forget to cleanse them first, under running water, burried in brown rice... whichever way you prefer, then you can leave them to the moonlight and they would be fully charged!


Crystal charging is the opposite of clearing. Crystal clearing is used to rid crystals of unwanted energy or vibrations. Crystal charging is used to imbue crystal with positive feelings, vibrations, or energy.


Charged crystals are used to promote healing, strengthen intention and confidence.

Each moon gives a different energy:


FULL MOON, mystical, inward fulfillment, feminine energy

WAXING MOON, increase the power of the crystals’ inherent abilities.


As the full moon rises at sunset and sets and sunrise you can have you crystals in charge the entire night. 

I will be placing mine in the window.. do not forget to get them in the morning... some crytals may fade in the sunlight.


 Happy Charging!







Almost a Grand Sextile

29th July 2013. Heaven is almost forming a beautiful and rare configuration, the Grand Sextile.


But it is ALMOST.


We have six planets forming a star shape across the heavens through a sequence of oppositions, together with a Grand Trine in Earth and one in Water, but aparently we do not have all the necessary planets in the correct degree position to form an exact one. This could mean that we are shown potential, like an energy burst.. something to work for... maybe some lessons to learn first...


There is enormous potential inherent in the cosmos right now. No doubt about that, but this configuration comes to raise awareness of our tendency to want it all at once in a single miraculous moment, a gift on a plate rather than working for the rewards that we desire, that is what we need to work for...


Pluto, who’s way out of alignment to form the necessary sextiles with Saturn and Neptune is telling us it will not be easy, we will get there, but we need to work for it!


This planetary alignment today speaks of the need to reconcile our desire for a quick fix, with the nature of change which occurs in the paradigm of everyday life. Change which takes time, commitment, honesty, work and resolve, all of which are rewarded by healing, freedom and a realisation of potential, also fulfilled in the paradigm of everyday life.

The heavens now speak of building energy and rising potential. 



Today is an incredible blessing as Gaia is surrounded by a most magnificent planetary moment where Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Saturn, Pluto & Neptune form almost a Grand Sextile/ Star of David/ Merkaba around us. 

Energetically the elements of Water & Earth are the most prominent -meaning this is a perfect moment to release stuck emotion & unnecessary upset, thus freeing the heart space to feel what life is truly about. In offering yourself this opportunity to let go of old emotion you are allowing the finer vibrations of light to filter through & come into actual manifestation. 

Many have been feeling the incredibly strong effects of emotional upset & release over the past couple of weeks, use this time to let it go- fully & completely! Accept the lesson/s that were there in these experiences, & be grateful for them, but then know you need not hold on to any negative attachments that came with that lesson. Rather imbue yourself with these incredible star gate energies & connect to the Divine through a corridor of love & light.






Has our DNA an extraterrestial touch?

I have been, for some time now, interested in the idea of our DNA not being completely "terrestial" I resonate with the idea that other planets, possible outside our Solar Sistem could be inhabited by superior intelligence.

The thing is that our DNA is made up by 2 strands of four different organic elements, very complex and hardly imppossible to be formed "by chance". In 1989 a team in Max Planx Institute managed to back secuence our DNA and found out that life started aproximatelly 3.800 million years ago, which would mean it was possibly not formed on Earth.


Could it be from a meteor? Well, some experts say that any life form would not be able to survive such a trip unless it was "deliverately send or placed here"


Scientifics have also tried to create life and given all the main elements, they were only able to create  proteins and some molecules but no life. 


Could we be an experiment or a creation from non human intelligence?


If we look a sacred texts, drawings all over the world  they all speak about beings from the starts, Gods.

We should remember that our Solar Sistem is "only" 4.600 millions years old but other solar systems are older than 10.000 millions years old... this makes possible the fact that some intelligence could be thriving before even the Earth was formed.


If we are an experiment... are our creators happy with the results?

Are we being observed and studied?


To me this theory combines both ideas, creation and evolution.


I will talk about the "unused DNA" later on.

where does out DNA come from?
where does out DNA come from?






When doing Crystal Healing, wands are used to draw an enegry grid from one crystal to another.

In the picture I have 2 wands with a quartz pointer. A feather wand for smudging. There are two rattles and a small broom.


They are have different uses and one must remember that it is not the object that has the power, is us.




Wand with Quarzt pointer and crystal ball. Chakra colors.
Wand with Quarzt pointer and crystal ball. Chakra colors.
Wand with Quartz pointer and copper around it.
Wand with Quartz pointer and copper around it.

The copper around the quartz helps conducting the energy from the crystal to the receiver.






Crystal Layout for treatments

This is a very easy and strainght forward layout of crystals. Placing 6 pointing  quartzes as showed on the pictures, we draw energy outside the body, so this layout is excellent for dispersing negative energy. 








We made it to 2012.

What does 12/12/12 means? It is basicaly a marker in time.  


Many cultures have predicted there would be a generation of change and enlightenment of some sort, or a doomsday scenario.

We did not know when in time this could happen but 12/12/12 ia a marker for us to know that the next 12 days, basicaly until 21/12/12 we are getting ready for an evolutionary leap.


It is a new chapter in the life of the Earth as a vibrational beeing.

also represents the closing of a chapter.  


This change can only occur if the we all GLOBALY decide to create it, like an awakening of the souls. Humanity will be responsible for the walk through this "door".

Remember we might have to fight, it does not need to be easy or pleasent.. getting rid off old ways is tough..


The energy is available for a profound awakening to spontaneously occur in December, 2012, following several smaller awakenings that have been and will happen all year. 

You are set to see global insights come rushing forth on or around the date of 12.12.12.  This day will be the gateway to what will be a final walk through on 12.21.12.  One date is preparation for the other. 


Numerology is significant in the universe.  It is a universal language that speaks of frequency and resonance on a multiplicity of levels.  











12 hours of the day

12 months of the year

12 in a dozen

12 zodiac signs

12 apostles

12 days of Christmas


These relationships are not a coincidence, within the 12 you find the number 3; the sacred trinity, third chakra, and number of creation.  It is universal that when you put two things, ideas, or what have you, together, a third is naturally created.  In these December dates, you have three threes.  This equals 9.  Thus the creational value is tripled and the result is the completion of a cycle, which is a meaning inherent in the number 9.  From this we can plainly see the vibrations at play of creation and completion, in the cycle of development.

These two dates, 12.12.12 and 21.12.12 are divinely linked.  

The 12.12.12 is the gateway to what will transpire on 12.21.12.  Needless to say, what you will be focused on will likely be determined by all you have done in preparation during this year 2012 and leading up to it.
Most who are leading a path of greater awareness will know the import of these days and will find themselves inexplicably 


12.12.2012= 11.  This has a spiritual significance as to transcendence, and the doubled power of one, and its ability as an initiator and propulsion unit for the start of new growth and new evolutionary urges.  


Allow your soul to open to your highest state of being for these dates.  What new seed you plant, and in what soil, is now up to you.  

Everyone’s third chakras can unite on and around 12.12.12, and be a fire on Earth to burn away the old ways and inflame the new


Find a special place, make it a gateway day for your soul.  Have a special ritual or create a sanctuary, a gateway to your next dimension of being. 









Animals like crystals too

We all have an energy field around us, we inteact constanly with one another's fields. The animal kingdom is very much aware of those energies and they communicate through it. Crystals also have a powerfull field an animals can sense it.


Animals instinctively recognize crystal and mineral energy as being beneficial, they sense what the crystal can do for him or her.

Most pets are attracted to Rose Quartz.

Healing pets and animals requires a very strong and centered mind.  Animal's minds are not like humans, they react to pain.  Any fear you have can also be sensed by an animal and amplified by the crystals.  It is very important to be balanced and have good intentions before you attempt to heal your pet with crystals.


Your pet will let you know when they’ve had enough.   Crystal healing can sometimes be too fast for an animal to integrate.

 Animals and pets can respond very quickly to the healing energy of crystals and stones.  However, remember to seek the best available competent medical advice for your pet or animal. Using crystals for healing pets and animals is not intended nor should not replace the advice of a professionally qualified veterinarian.

AGATE - Open the channels of communication between you and your pet, will balance your pet’s energy, assist with sleep, calm anxiety, and help your pet focus during training.

AMBER – Supportive healing stonem it promotes its connection to past life issues or any kind of physical healing.  Calming and energizing effect, dependant on what is needed at the moment, so it is perfect for both the smaller, hyper animals with high metabolism, as well as larger and calmer ones.


AMETHYST - use for everything from pain to disorientation.  Helps lazy pets, clears negative energy while balancing the energy fields, calms rattled nerves, and is an all-around healer.

BLACK OBSIDIAN - great for reptile owners as Obsidian absorbs negative energy and heat. Reptiles will love its heat-retaining qualities, and the shiny black stone will look good in their habitat too. Just be sure the stones have smooth edges.

 BLACK ONYX - a great stone for outdoor pets, because it is known to draw out negative energies and entities, which can be helpful for things like fleas and parasites.  It is good for the bowels.  A very protective stone,  supportive of physical strength and stamina, and can be helpful during times of stress, such as physical illness, trauma, or even during fights with other animals.

BLOODSTONE - supports overall health, strength, and endurance. Wearing or carrying Bloodstone is helpful for balancing the chakras and for grounding negative or excessive energies.  Bloodstone is also commonly used to increase intuition, which would be indispensable to any animal.

BLUE CALCITE - use when your pet is recuperating from surgery or trying to settle into a new home.  Its relaxing energy soothes nerves, relieves anxieties, and helps with sleep. This is a great crystal to use with nervous, high-strung animals.

BLUE LACE AGATE - promotes sleep, calms an anxious pet, and boosts self-esteem

CALCITE - benefits the skeletal system

CARNELIAN - promotes emotional warmth, individuality, courage, happiness, and harmony. It also helps release emotions such as anger, fear, and envy. Attach a Carnelian charm to your shy or nervous dog or cat’s collar.  Carnelian is also beneficial for skin problems. 

CLEAR QUARTZ - a master healer that is effective for all conditions, strengthening the aura and protecting against negative energies.  Clear Quartz will help strengthen the immune system, improving his or her overall health. It can also stimulate energy levels. Dog and cat owners should use it during training . Bird owners could use it as well when taming and training new birds.  Clear Quartz is great for amplifying intention, so you could program it with a specific purpose for your pet, before use.  Clense it in the evenings, as it will absorb any negative vibes with which your pet has come into close contact.

FLUORITE - bones (blue), respiration (blue, green or clear), blood purification or lymph glands (green), digestion (green or yellow)


GARNET - reproductive system

GREEN MOSS AGATE - Earth energy. Relaxing and grounding.

HEMATITE - muscular system

JASPER - the supreme nurturing stone. Its grounding ability supports tranquility and inner strength during times of stress or danger. Dalmatian Jasper is especially popular for use with animals as it grounds and helps alleviate fears.

KYANITE - alignment of all chakras, tendons or bones

MALACHITE - heart problems, liver detoxification WARNING:  Do not permit your pet or animal to eat this stone.  Malachite has very high levels of copper and can lead to serious or fatal blood poisoning if even very small amounts are swallowed.  FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY.)

ROSE QUARTZ - injuries, wounds, reduces stress.  Rose Quartz is the stone to use if your dog or cat is aloof and standoffish. Rose Quartz energy will help your pet learn to accept love and companionship without fear. It is ideal to use with rescued animals, injured or sick animals, or when introducing a new pet into your household. Acceptance of the new member of the family.

 SMOCKY QUARTZ - nervous system, swellings. Smoky Quartz works to reduce future hostilities by grounding and clearing negative energies in your household, which would also benefit any human squabblers.


SODALITE - calming, nervousness, good for settling down during travel

SUGILITE - death and dying

TURQUOISE - a master healer that can be used for everything, protective


Place up to three stones or crystals under your pet's bed for up to two weeks.  You can put them in a pouch.

Position the stones so that they are comfortable.  If the crystal energy is too intense, your pet won't want to rest in their bed.  If your pet likes the crystals, you should see an improvement within a few days.

Hold the crystal or stone in your hand.  Starting a few inches away from the affected area, rotate the crystal clock-wise.  Go slowly, breathing gently and evenly.  Animals express their feelings with movement, so watch to see if your pet wants more or tries to move away.

Put up to three crystals (no more) in a small pouch that can be attached to your pet's collar.  Be careful that the pouch doesn't interfere with movement or can get caught on anything.

Warm up the crystals in the sun before beginning healing.  The sun provides masculine, yang energy to the stones.  Apply the warm crystals to the affected area.  If you are using a bag of ice to reduce swelling or inflammation, try putting a few pieces of Smokey Quartz in the bag of ice.  It will help unblock over-active or inflamed areas.

Put a piece of Rose Quartz or Amethyst in your pet's water bowl or bucket.  The crystal will leave its energy imprint in the water and, when your pet drinks it, the energy will go where it is most needed.  Remember to NEVER put Malachite in your pet's drinking water.

Create a mandala or circle of crystals around your pet.  You can also try a Star of David formation with your pet in the middle.  Leave your pet there for up to 20 minutes.  Your pet will walk out when they’ve had enough !

Place crystals or stones near a photograph of your pet, pointing towards the picture.  This will help send long-distance healing and protection to your pet.


Respect all animals and mother earth.



Sushi likes Quartz
Sushi likes Quartz
Clear Quartz for his Crown Chakra
Clear Quartz for his Crown Chakra






LABRADORITE is one of my favorite feldespars.

It balances and protects the aura, raises consciousness and grounds spiritual energies. It is excellent for strengthening intuition-promoting psychic abilities. It helps in revealing the truth behind illusions, Labradorite banishes fears and insecurities whilst strengthening faith in the self and trust in the universe.  It stimulates the imagination and calms an overactive mind, developing enthusiasm and new ideas.


Magical Use: Enhancing Mental Abilities, increasing psychic abilities, rational thought, prudence, patience. Judgement, discernment.

Healing Use: Disorders of the eyes, relieves stress, helps brain functions and mental activity. It regulates metabolism, balances hormones and relieves menstrual tension. It treats colds, gout, and rheumatism, lowers blood pressure, and aids in digestion.


My labradorite pendent
My labradorite pendent

Pendend free of any metal, only attached to the body by a cord. Always make sure the stone/crystal is in direct touch with your body.






Crystal Deodorants

I have been using crystal deodorant for some time now and I could not use anything else now!!


The raw material of crystal deodorants is potassium alum, which is a naturally occurring mineral salt (sulfate mineral)   It is derived from the oxidation of sulfide minerals and potassium-bearing minerals; and appears as a white to colorless translucent crystalline stone. It looks like a crystal, such that it is translucent, colorless and contains small fracture lines, or veins.


 Since all forms of potassium alum are soluble in water, when the stone is wet or applied to wet skin, an invisible, fine layer of the mineral is rubbed off the stone and applied to the skins surface.  The mineral layer quickly dries, and rests on the skin.


When we sweat we release salt and water through sweat glands in the skin, it does does not have a bad smell, but the bacteria on our skin that eats sweat and excretes waste that has a strong odor. The bacteria grows in the moist of our sweat . 


Potassium alum is a natural anti-microbial, which means that when it comes in contact with bacteria,  it inhibits its growth. We need our sweat as the body needs to maintain its proper course of eliminating toxins through sweat, as well as controlling body temperature.


Crystal deodorants are natural, no added chemicals or fragrances.  And, as previously mentioned, natural crystal deodorants allow the body to sweat, but without odor.  


crystal deodorant
crystal deodorant

In a rock or sometimes in a base made of plastic.








festival banner 3 Great day!! please come along!






Your path

I was talking to some friends about the fact that I strongly believe that our paths in life are not 100% set up and we have the ultimate choice in life to go one way or another. What would be then like to be born and just follow the steps set up by us before hand? Surely we need to go through different stages and we need to get to certain markings in the way, but how we go from marking to marking is totally up to us. 

Some people are born with that "lucky star", some seem to be draging a heavy burden and unable to fly high..  but what about taking those burdens as challenges? what about proving to ourselves that the core, the main meaning of life, what is left after all the striping off the "uncessary" is actually available for everysingle one of us?

For example, two people are born on the same day, but one is born in a rich country with lovely parents and good education. The other is born in a broken family, in a poor environment and not social stability. I really believe that both would have to fight for what the believe to be their cause. This can be love, fairness or anything else. The poor person might have to fight to be accepted in a job but also the richer one might have to struggle with the fact that his knowledge are not just a result of his status but his effort to learn.


Whatever you path is, just follow it. Take down any outside influence, strip it off to the core, know what is the final reason why you want something.. better than saying "I want that expensive car" say, why do I want an expensive car? is it to show off? is it to make myself look important? or is it because I need confort or quality? Break down any desire, and then analyse the reason WHY you want it, is it for the highest good?






Amber cleansing

Today I am wearing 3 different pieces of Amber jewelery; a beautiful silver ring with 6 small Amber stones in 3 shades; a silver pendant made as a perfume holder with a large Amber tummy and also some matching earrings. Amber is a beautiful and special crystal, a light resin holding years of wisdom, watching time pass by.. Amber can hold dust and sand, microscopic organisms, leaves or hairs and insects... all preserved and often easily visible, inside these beautiful semi-precious stone. Amber is most known as a healer and cleanser of the environment, body, mind and spirit. It balances the right and left part of the brain and absorbs negative energy, including pain. 

Amber stones help me with decision-making, balance and self-confidence. This lovely stone is good for the throat chakra and for its colour, it also helps with the solar plexus chakra. Thank you Amber for absorbing any negative energy and transforming it.






Animal Souls

To those of us who share the love for any living creatutes, we know that animals have a soul, they feel and they are sharing a time in Earth with us to learn, to develope and to take part in the big network of energies and souls. 

I would like to thank and bless all of you who are considerate to them.


In my believe we all are interconected energeticaly speaking... let it connect to you.... allow the animals to "talk" to you... our pets, birds in the sky, insects in the forest... each one has a taks in this earth and we all are walking our paths.. lets just be in peace..


Love yourself, love all livings.






Reiki and treatements - time for it/oneself

Reiki is a vast subject and there is lots to be said and to share with everyone.  Lately I have been worring about not having enough time to do some self Reiki and needless to say, no time at all to do to others. I am in a very busy and changing period of my life so I find hard to squeeze any more minutes to the day. It should be a priority for me to practice Reiki but I also know that we live in a physical world and we are ment too live as humans to, dealing with stress, time, work, food, friends and all those lovely and "terrestial" things.

I will stop worring about it and making sure I find some time for myself, I think that is the key, having the time to do "me" things... I bet Reiki, Meditation and even this blog will be one of the first things to improve! :)






Self Reiki, hands on naval area

I have to say how much good does to me when I place my hands in my naval area... if I do it in bed, I will be asleep in that position in minutes. It does not matter, once the energy is activated,  the Reiki energy will be able to flow. Placing hands on the naval and "tummy" area will allow the 3rd chakra to open and receive light which will help with difficult digestions or issues in that physical area. As the naval chakra is connected to feelings, it is also very good for depresion and relationship issues.


I find very soothing to keep my hands on my lower tummy in bed, I draw my attention to the area and visualize how the energy is flowing from the universe, through me, comming out of my hands into my naval chakra, clearing, energizing my body and getting rid off any negativitiy, any pain or any unsolved issues.


Thanks universe for giving us all we need...

naval chakra symbol
naval chakra symbol





The importance of touch

I believe touch is very important, we are all living beings, people, plants, animals.. even innanimate objects could do with a bit of touch, gentle, meaninfull.. I like to touch others, to caress, to hug, to place my hand on their lap or arm around the shoulder... I like to feel, animals like to feel, I love stroking cats and dogs, I even place one hand on my car to show gratitude for taking me from A to B with no problem. The energy does not need  contact to be able to pass from one being to another, but it is SO good to feel the touch...


I love to be touched and I love to touch,  I love to hug and to caress, to take my lover's hand, to kiss, to touch the face, the arm... I love to feel the touch... I love to be kissed and caressed and to have my hand taken....


hug to Sushi, my cat
hug to Sushi, my cat





Angels among us

I just remember an experienced that happened in 2008. I came to the UK to visit a friend in Chester and I went to Liverpool to visit the city for a few hours. It was raining and I had an umbrella. I just came out ouf a spiritual shop, where I bought some incense and a buddhist banner. I came out and there was a nice black man who asked me if he could borrow my umbrella, if he could walk under my umbrella. I am normaly very paranoyed and would not let any stranger to get close to me. Normaly I would have feared he was after my wallet, but for an strange reason, I felt at peace and I allowed him to walk next to me under the umbrella. He asked my name and he said his name was Jesus, which is a very popular name in Spain but certanly not in the UK. He was happy and I felt safe. At the end of the street I had to turn to one side and he said he was going the other way, he said goodbye, he thanked me and blessed me. At that point I was really confused.. I knew that was not normal... later on I kept on thinking he was some sort of visit... an angel??

Wheather he was just a nice man, an angel or Jesus or any other high energy it does not matter, I thank it for comming to see me.

If he was just a man looking for an umbrella, he is also welcome.


Angel in Glastonbury 06/2011
Angel in Glastonbury 06/2011





Journey or Destination

I was having my lunch break at work and I came across a very interested article in this link:



Thanks to whoever wrote it, and thanks angels and spirits for helping me find it and share it with others.


The article talks about the diference between the path and the destination and it explains very simply how everything started.. I agree completely with the explanations about God desires to know ITself.


I invite you to read it, I am coping it here too as I think it is very useful.


Is it the journey or the destination that matters most in our quest of enlightenment?

Which one of these should be our aspiration? Is the pot of gold in the journey, or the destination? Is it a foolish man who revels in the journey, not paying attention to the all-important destination, thus losing his way, or is the illusion thinking that a destination even exists?

Every person mighty or feeble, at one point or another in their journey, will debate the implications of these two words.

And so I proceed...

In the beginning, God was.
God was All.
"It" existed in a state of Being. No destination existed because that is simply a man made reference point that implies that something exists "outside or away" from something else, which is not the state of God. There is nothing outside of God. Ịf there is no place to leave, then there is no place to go.

So God was All That Is. But It desired to know Itself. And to know Itself a reference point had to be created. There is only one way to do that in this situation. To create the illusion of what It was not. To do that, a ying and yang had to be established, which is both part of the whole, but seemingly different. So the illusion of separation was created. Light and dark; love and hate; and good and bad.

The Journey or the Destination?But then God created another even larger illusion of separation. That is us (mortal) from It (God). Because of this illusion of separation, we are always searching for God, but we are already a part of God. We think we have a huge journey before us that will bring us closer, but we are already there. This is why children, especially babies, are so in touch with this. Before they can learn the traits of their parent's ego (the illusion of separation), they think of one thing only and that is love. Love, which is what created and propels this whole process, is God. As we grow out of infancy, we steep ourselves into the grand illusion of separation, in every way. Our journey is gaining back the knowledge that we are not separate from anything, and especially, God. You might jump on this and say, "Ah! But the destination is then knowing that we are God!" But remember, that is where God started. It already knew It was God.

When soul fractions were created, it was infinite, for God is infinite. Each soul experiences the journey, in miniature, to what God is doing. Experiencing a manifestation of its own Godliness. We, as the ocean of God, started out as just that. But to create the experience of Itself, It formed the sky above with looming clouds. The water from the ocean evaporated into these clouds so that it could later be sprinkled, via raindrops, over the deserts, forests and prairies. Why? Because to exist solely in the infinite sea was not what It wanted. Although each drop seems unique, it still ascended from the same ocean. And as it falls, it experiences something totally unique in comparison to the other rain drop as its perspective is unique. And as it flows downward onto the land, it finds a creek or river and makes its way back to the ocean, to start the whole process again.

Ebb and flow. That is what we do. Even if we reach total enlightenment and awareness of our own Godliness, we will still yearn to forget it all and start over again in a million lifetimes, or through infinite planes of existence. The journey is what we are searching for. The illusion is thinking that there is a destination, for we are already there. We exist in a constant state of creation and experience.

The lesson is that we should cherish each moment, for these moments are the grand experience of who we are. Stop searching. Stop looking and just Be. You have the rest of eternity to be you and to experience God.







Numerology for Houses

I did a course on Numerology not long ago. I now use the learnt skills quite often, and it is fun. I am moving out soon and the new house is a number 7, this is couting numbers and letters in the address. Accoding to some of the information on a house 7 this is what it will be like:


"7 dwelling is quiet, calm and contemplative. Serious research and study can go on here and the miraculous can seem to be floating in the corner of the room. These homes are often surrounded by an air of mystery or historical significance and there's just "something" about them you can't forget. Deep thinkers, scientists, researchers, ministers, teachers, psychologists and philosophers seem to gravitate here and anyone who stays long will find themselves lost in thought, musings and ponderings. Spiritual people do very well here and it's also a natural abode for grandparents, although the grandchildren will probably want to play outside most of the time. This home can feel very comforting and peaceful to the visitor but unless you are comfortable with so much quiet, it could feel lonely here for the single person or the young family. 

Good luck colors for this home are: Lavender, Purple, Violet and deep greens and browns. Dark woods and rich, deep colors assist in the 7 tendency towards "going within"







Rainbow Aura Quartz

I was feeling very low the last few days. Today I am wearing a pendent made of Rainbow Aura Quartz and I feel that my aura is being cleaned. Thanks universe for having these wonderful ways to keep the balance....






the future

We tend to worry about the future and we dont enjoy the present.. but sometimes we are too busy to enjoy the easy present to build something for the future.. BALANCE is the  key, enjoy the present while you build your future.  Life is an eternal "remembering" what you are capable of doing and achieving. Enjoy the process.




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Please bear with me, I am just starting.... 






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